SCheduler Part 2

My amazing team for the SCheduler project!

My amazing team for the SCheduler project!

This is Part 2 of a Project I worked on this semester. To see Part 1 Click Me

This semester a couple friends and I built a Web Application that helps student schedule their classes. Each student at USC on average takes about 5 different classes which have up to 5 different meeting times each week. When you factor in all the times a class might be offered coupled with all the different permutations of classes you can take in a semester, most students are left with dozens of different schedules to choose from.

Our Web Application makes it extremely simple to know what your options are for the next semester.

The landing page of our Web Application

The landing page of our Web Application

Step 1: Enter the 5 courses you want to take next semester into the system.

Step 1: Enter the 5 courses you want to take next semester into the system.

Step 2: See all the different schedules you can take.

Step 2: See all the different schedules you can take.

If you look back to my earlier post on SCheduler I explained a little bit of the Web Scraping I did off USC’s website. Essentially I scraped class information from USC and populated it into a FireBase cloud-store database, where our web application could access it.

To check out my team’s presentation click me !!!

Now because our team was relatively new to building Web Applications we had to learn some new technologies off the bat like : Flexbox, Maven, JGraphT, FireBase.

Cool Extras:

1) Login Functionalities - Using Google Login. This allows users to save schedules that they like in case they want to come back later.

2) Search Capability - By typing in your friend’s name, you can see any schedules he or she has saved which is perfect if you want to take classes with them

3) Multithreaded Notifications - Every time someone creates a schedule using the platform every user on the platform is notified. Behind the scenes this required the use of server sockets which added another layer of skill building to this project.

I really enjoyed working on this project with my team! It was really fun building something that I actually used to make my class schedule for the upcoming Spring.