1st Place: National Security Innovation Network H4D Starts

I had a great time representing the University of Southern California at the Starts H4D Conference. This conference brings together some of the brightest graduate students from top universities and major problems faced by the Defense and Intelligence Communities.

List of Schools Competing

Georgetown University
University of Southern California
The Ohio State University
Duke University
University of Texas at Austin
Stanford University
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Pittsburgh
The University of Southern Mississippi
Johns Hopkins University
The University of Virginia
Columbia University
The University of California San Diego
Colorado School of Mines
James Madison University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Boise State University
The University of West Florida
National Defense University
Defense Acquisition University
United States Air Force Academy
United States Military Academy at West Point

In the finals last week we were narrowed down to 6 top teams out of more than 100+ plus graduate teams. The Department of Defense flew all of us out to San Francisco where we presented in front of a panel of Venture Capitalists. After a really really intense pitch competition our team came out on top. But it was extremely close.