Hacking @ IBM Intern Hackathon - Making the Internet Accessible


I had a great time working with a couple of the other SF interns for the IBM intern hackathon. One of the amazing things about this project was that our team chose to not only build a project that had a strong business case for IBM, but also had a strong social impact for the visually impaired who use the internet.

We made a video of product demo. Feel free to check it out below:

We also made a brief overview handout for the judges since they were all IBM executives. The results really speak for themselves, check it out below.

Screenshot 2019-07-30 15.26.27.png
Screenshot 2019-07-30 15.26.37.png

Our team also worked on making some really funny photos to post on our Team Twitter account to show just how cool working at IBM was. Here is my favorite of our team bowing down at the IBM Watson desk in our office.